About Us
About Us
About Our Logo

Our logo is the phoenix, a mythical symbol of resurrection and rebirth. The phoenix was believed to die in its own self-made flames every few hundred years or so, and then rise from its ashes to live again. Here at Phoenix Rising Solutions LLC, we hope to affect positive change in you through your own personal “rebirth.”
We welcome people of all faiths or no faith and recognize that the phoenix symbol has been a part of Egyptian, Chinese, and Greek culture as well as early Christian art and thought. For contemporary Christian believers, the phoenix can become another remembrance of the promise of hope, resurrection, and new life through Jesus Christ. Thus, the phoenix is cross-cultural and relevant to all on their path toward healing.
At Phoenix Rising Solutions, LLC, our mission is to help foster positive change in your life (family, career, spiritual, wellness, etc.). We are committed to helping you find the best solutions for your personal and/or professional growth. We use a variety of research-based and trauma-informed approaches with a personal touch and compassionate heart that are tailored to your specific needs. Our philosophy is driven by a strengths-based model of consultation and service. We also believe in a wellness way of life and integrate this belief in our work with you. Our staff is well-trained, personable, dedicated, and thorough in our work. We look forward to working with you.
With our various services available, take your time to browse the different offerings on the navigation bar to the left. You can reach out to us with questions or to set up a 15-minute, phone consultation by filling out our contact form on our Contact Us page.