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Resumes & Interviewing Skills

Hugo Negron, MA, MA, PHR

MA degrees in clinical and industrial/organizational psychology

Professional in Human Resources

Office Location is conveniently situated off of Randall Road at the intersection of Dean Street.

 (West suburban area with US-20 and I-88 nearby)


Not able to meet Hugo in person--we use e-mail, phone, & Zoom too!

What is a resume?

It’s a selling tool – a way of gaining interest in your product (you!). A candidate may have the skills required for a position, but without a good resume, he/she will never be able to present that knowledge in order to get into the front door for that all important next step – the interview!

Your resume needs to tell the potential employer what job you are looking for, what your qualifications are, your experiences, and the level of your accomplishments before you can move further up the hiring process pipeline. Our workshops can be tailored for individuals or groups looking to improve their resume/interviewing techniques, OR the employer looking to improve their interviewing skills. We will help you to improve your resume, or create one from scratch!

Through assignments, projects, role-playing, and examples, we will cover the following areas:·   

      • Resume formats (chronological, functional, combinations, and curriculum vitae) and the

        advantages and disadvantages of each

      • A step-by-step development walk-through for a proper resume from objective to summary,

        education to experience. We will cover “action” words to use, winning factors

        accomplishments vs. activities, tailoring your resume for specific opportunities, and more.

      • Top mistakes you shouldn’t make on your resume
      • The many types of interview styles, what you should do at an interview, questions you should

         ask, and questions you shouldn’t!·

      • Similarly, the questions interviewers shouldn’t ask, and the various laws (Title VII, ADA,

        ADEA, and more) that you (or an employer) should be aware of.

      • Interviewer/interviewee biases and how they can affect the interview.
      • Working with agencies.
      • Follow-up calls/emails/letters.

Like to Know More? Let us help you get started in fine-tuning your resume, as well as your interviewing techniques! Please fill out our short contact form our Contact Us page today!

 © 2009-2025  Phoenix Rising Solutions, LLC | 333 N. Randall Road, Suite 21, Saint Charles , IL 60174 USA | Phone 6305264325

Deep understanding is the most precious gift one can give to another. -Carl Rogers

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