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Somatic Experiencing™️ & Touch Work

Jennifer Falbo-Negron, LCPC/LMHC, ERYT-500, SEP

Somatic Experiencing Practitioner

What is Somatic Experiencing™️?


Somatic Experiencing (SE) is a body-based method for trauma resolution (Big T) and the resolution of other stressors (little t). If you are looking for a more body-oriented approach to counseling, then this is the method for you. It is the life's work of Dr. Peter Levine combining the body's physiological response to stress, psychology, neuroscience, the study of animal behavior (ethology), biology, indigenous healing methods, and medical biophysics.


Jennifer can help assess and unravel stuck energy and emotions trapped in the body in a slow and titrated way. This method works well on complex traumas/PTSD, shock, abuse, assault, motor vehicles accidents, falls, medical trauma, birth trauma, relational/attachment issues, and more. Whether a person is in flight, fight, or freeze mode, there are different ways to alleviate such states and come back to a more balanced and relaxed self. Feeling like yourself again is the aim of this approach in it's ultimate connection between mind and body. 


Jennifer's years of yoga training and teaching seemed to marry well with Somatic Experiencing for a mind-body/body-based counseling approach for her clients.  She chose training in SE over EMDR and set aside a lot of aspects of hypnotherapy to utilize SE first and in conjunction with age-regression hypnotherapy techniques to ground its process.  SE training includes 216 hours of seminar and hands-on work over 8 modules completed in 3 years.  The training process mirrors the slower therapeutic practice with client to allow the mind and body to absorb and process what was being taught. 


Jennifer has completed the training and has been assisting in SE Beginning, Intermediate, and Advanced training modules for different cohorts and provides personal sessions to Beginning Level trainees.


How SE works?


SE works by completing a self-protective, motor/bodily response that was thwarted during the traumatic event and allowing for a safe discharge of pent up energy in the body.  The body knows what it wanted to do but may have had a competing, survival behavior take its place at the time. One hallmark feature of SE is to work with the traumatic event in different ways, most times not directly, and slowly (i.e., titration). This helps a person better tolerate the situation by working with small and contained aspects of the trauma (emotions, bodily sensations, movements, images, etc.). There is also the use of positive resources for the client to come back to when needed; the client can be guided to switch between two states (distressing event and something resourcing) to achieve nervous system regulation, which is known as pendulation.


In SE, we usually re-work a scenario with physical action, vocalizations, and/or in the imagination to bring about a safe and corrective experience.  Orienting to safety is a key feature in this technique.  We explore different elements of awareness for a holistic approach, such as Sensations, Images, Behavior, Affect, and Meaning or SIBAM.  It is important to have the client mindfully relate back to the body and how it responds after applying different healing techniques.  It is the goal for clients to feel a release or renewed energy where there once was a blockage. 


Additionally with SE, Jennifer can offer basic Somatic Experiencing touch work to help decrease the stress response and to ground people into their bodies. A simple kidney-adrenal supportive hold along with other regulating holds are techniques that she can teach you to calm your nervous system.  Specific to Phoenix Rising Solutions, there are other touch points (especially with Transforming Touch) along with an integration of acupressure, chakra work, and energy toning movements that can be tailored to each client's needs. 


If you are interested in learning more, contact us via our short contact form as a first step. Next, we will contact you for a free 15-minute, phone consultation for services.

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